All artworks posted on this blog are created by Tina N. unless otherwise stated by the artist herself.

About Me

My photo
Los Angeles, California, United States
This is Tina. I am an artist, an animator, a joker, and a laugher. I am not the best but I am not the worst either. And my goal is to be on top. These blogs are bringing you my greatest passion in life, which I hope you will enjoy. Nothing is as entertaining as images, both still and moving. So please, forget the real world and welcome to the world of imagination~

"When you really draw something, never fear to be BOLD, otherwise, it won't be that amazing~" Tina N.

P.S. Did I not tell you that I am also a writer? At some point it dawned on me that I do enjoy putting my imagination in texts, not just images. Oh joy!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

"It's FRIDAY you said?"

Since things have been very crazy for me and many of my friends these days due to the fact that this is our last year in school, I suddenly came up with this little drawing to share the "joy in the misery" being an animation student. If you are a student majoring in animation that works her ass off to create a perfect work, you definitely will feel really related/connected to this:

Or... maybe not. It surely is an exaggeration, but hey! Just keep in mind that you may not look attractive anymore but your character will turn out beyond fabulous. Hopefully, this will give you a good laugh and maybe a little inspiration for your next time sitting down at the desk~~~

Enjoy your Friday animation student fellows~!

1 comment:

  1. hahah Tina I love this!!!!! hahah
    We can def. all're almost finish though...continue to work hard and finish strong!

    <3333 xoxoxo
