All artworks posted on this blog are created by Tina N. unless otherwise stated by the artist herself.

About Me

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Los Angeles, California, United States
This is Tina. I am an artist, an animator, a joker, and a laugher. I am not the best but I am not the worst either. And my goal is to be on top. These blogs are bringing you my greatest passion in life, which I hope you will enjoy. Nothing is as entertaining as images, both still and moving. So please, forget the real world and welcome to the world of imagination~

"When you really draw something, never fear to be BOLD, otherwise, it won't be that amazing~" Tina N.

P.S. Did I not tell you that I am also a writer? At some point it dawned on me that I do enjoy putting my imagination in texts, not just images. Oh joy!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

All Night Drawing: Painting Girl

Oh yes I did. I just sacrificed my sleep to finish this little drawing. I have been working on poses and facial expressions along with a lot of different concepts of my own characters only to add more to my portfolio. I did not intend to color at all but only do line-works or sketches. The main purpose is the solid construction of the drawings. But since I adored this specific drawing so much I figured I just had to color it as well. And this is the result of an all-nighter!

Right, I never shaded the drawing. Why? Simply I am not an expert at shading with colors and I kinda figured I might mess it up. I suppose flat colors are not bad and it shows more of the cartoon's side of the drawing, of course it is cartoon style. Although shading might just add more depth and detail to it~ Ah well, I'm pretty happy with this and I will move on with the next drawing.

By the way, good morning Thursday! :)

Update: Well I forgot to put up the construction sketch for this drawing so... here it is! Cheers~ :)


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